Here you will find some tips and instructions on topics related to embroidery with the embroidery machine or by hand, plotting and appliqué :)


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Embroider appliqués


Appliqué files are embroidery files in which pieces of fabric are underlaid in the motif.

There are fringe appliqués (also called doodle appliqués) and satin appliqués.

After embroidering, fringe appliqués have a visible fabric edge that frays slightly (this is intentional :) ).

With satin appliqués, the edge of the fabric is covered with a satin stitch.


Here we show you how the different appliqués are worked :)





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How to make a fringe appliqué / doodle appliqué

Here we show you with simple instructions how to work a fringed appliqué quickly and easily :)

(German PDF)





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How to make a satin appliqué

Here we show you with simple instructions how to work a satin appliqué quickly and easily :)

(English PDF)





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How to make loops and fringes

Here we show you how fringes and loops are made (with our specially therefor digitized files).

(German PDF)